Dear Friends,
I’m delighted to extend a warm welcome to Sky Falcon Shipping and Logistics Service. I hope this communication helps you understand where I envision our business going forward with your support and how I see it now.We founded Sky Falcon Shipping & Logistics with the goal of being the greatest at what we do, even back then, in response to the UAE’s increasing significance and ambitions.
With a solid foundation in the United Arab Emirates, Sky Falcon Shipping and Logistics now serves companies from all over the world that need “Best-In-Class” supply chain and logistics services in this area. At the heart of our operations is our state-of-the-art, temperature-controlled warehouse, which is among the most sophisticated in the area.Our company has been created on a foundation of complete client alignment and client-drivenness. In order to stay at the forefront of our industry going forward, we need to think ahead of time. Maintaining our competitive edge requires us to constantly innovate and embrace thinking outside the box in addition to staying on the cutting edge of best practices and technology advancements.
Our Principles, which are ingrained in each and every one of our workers and guarantee that we never lose sight of our objective of excellence in customer satisfaction, will endure despite the many changes that will inevitably occur. Being the top shipping company and supplier in the UAE is our aim. We will always be the go-to “Boutique” logistics company for our clients since we are attentive, knowledgeable, creative, and reliable.
MANAGING DIRECTOR – Sky Falcon Shipping & Logistics – info@skyfalconshipping.com